About Us
Bringing Borzoi Together
Borzoi club of Ontario was created for one reason - to provide education, support, and fun competitive events, to borzoi's and their owners in Ontario. Since being established in 1978 we have hosted our annual Specialty show, and a variety of field trials. Our club members work closely with Borzoi Club of Canada, in providing a national network of Borzoi breeders and health professionals.

Beautiful and Boundless
Fun Event's for Everyone
Come out to one of our event's, and see exactly what this breed is made of. We welcome, spectators, fanciers, new owners, and competitors. Our competitive events are registered and approved by the Canadian Kennel Club. For more information on upcoming events please to contact us.
Executive Membership
Our executive team, have all owned and bred borzoi for over 2 decades. Our executive team are advocates for Borzoi health and welfare. We support responsible, ethical breeding, and health testing.

Lisa Miceli zoitoy@hotmail.ca

Vice President
Steve Pedro freckashpeng@sympatico.ca

Secretary Treasurer
Alanna Miceli alannamiceli86@gmail.com